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Compare Average Mortgage Rates

Mark Cappel
UpdatedMay 17, 2007

If the average mortgage rate for a 30YR fix rate loan is 5.98%, how would either a A-Paper Loan compare or a Sub-prime Loan com

If the average mortgage rate for a 30YR fix rate loan is 5.98%, how would either a A-Paper Loan compare or a Sub-prime Loan compare? Would A-Paper loan interest rate be a certain % less than average and sub-prime a certain % higher than average?

There is no standard answer, other than to say that a sub-prime (also known as "non-prime" or "Band C") loan will carry a comparatively higher interest rate. The best thing to do is to apply with several lenders and see what rate you are quoted for each product. Be sure to compare "apples-to-apples" as there are many different types and options when it comes to home loans. makes it easy to compare options, but be sure to only select a loan that meets your needs:

If you would like more information, please visit our mortgage resource page.

