Title Insurance Rates
Title Insurance Rates For All States
See the Bills.com article Title Insurance to learn the basics of title insurance. The list below describes the general rules for each state. The key fact to look for is whether your state allows insurance companies to compete on price, or if prices are set by the state.
Title Insurance Fee Regulation | Title Search Required Before Policy Is Issued | Typical Fee /$1,000 Home Value Homeowner & Lender | State Statutes | |
Alabama | Filed and deemed approved, if not disapproved within 60 days | Yes | $4.00 - $5.50 | Ala. Code § 27-25-6(1975); Ala. Code § 27-3-7(1975); Ala. Code § 27-25-4(1975) |
Alaska | Prior approval by state | Yes | $4.50 | AS 21.66.390-410. 3 AAC 27.301-399; AS 21.27.010 et seq.; AS 21.66.270; AS 21.27.150(2) |
Arizona | File rate with state | Yes | $7.30 | ARS §§ 20-375 and 20-376.; ARS §§ 20-1561 through 20-1563 |
Arkansas | Rates not regulated | Yes | $3.50 - $3.70 | Ark. Code Ann. § 23-103-401 et seq. |
California | File rate with state | No | $5.70 - $11.20 | CIC 12401 ? 12401.10, 12404 ? 12413.5; CIC 699 et seq; CIC 12389 et seq |
Colorado | File rate with state | Yes | $5.90 - $8.90 | CRS §10-11-118; §10-2-401 |
Connecticut | Prior approval by state | Yes | $4.00 | 38a-419 |
Delaware | File rate with state | Not applicable | $6.00 | 18Del.C.cl 25; 18 Del.C.cl 17 |
District of Columbia | Rates not regulated | Not applicable | $11.50 | |
Florida | State-set rates | Yes | $5.75 - $6.00 | FS §877.101, §627.782 and 627.783, §69O-186.003 and 69O-186.004; Chapter 626, Part V; Chapter 624, Part III; Chapter 626, Part V |
Georgia | Rates not regulated | Yes | $4.75 - $5.50 | O.C.G.A. Secs. 33-23-1 et seq. |
Hawaii | Rates not regulated | Not applicable | $4.85 | |
Idaho | Rates are filed 30 days prior to use | Yes | $2.56 | Idaho Code Title 41 Chapter 27 |
Illinois | Rates not regulated | Yes | $3.75 | 215 ILCS 155/19; 215 ILCS 155/3; 155/4; 155/16; 155/17 |
Indiana | Rates not regulated | Yes | $7.50 | |
Iowa | State-run program | Not applicable | $1.10 | Iowa Code §515.48(10)(2009) |
Kansas | File rate with state | Yes | $3.35 | K.S.A. 40-952(c); K.S.A. 40-4903 |
Kentucky | File rate with state | No | $5.50 | KRS 304.22-020 |
Louisiana | Filed and deemed approved if no rejection in 45 days | Not applicable | $7.61 | LSA-R.S. 22:1451, et seq.; LSA-R.S. 22:511, et seq. |
Maine | File rate with state | No | $5.25 | 24-A MRSA § 2302(1)(D); 24-A MRSA § 1420, et seq. for agents 24-A MRSA § 404 for insurers |
Maryland | File rate with state | No | $6.00 | Annotated Code of Maryland, Title 11, Subtitle 4; Title 10, Subtitle 1 |
Massachusetts | Rates not regulated | Not applicable | $5.75 | |
Michigan | File rate with state | No | $11.70 | MCL 500.7312 and Ch-12 MCL 500.2400-500.2484; MCL 500.7302, MCL 500.7303, MCL 500.7317, CH-12 MCL 500.1200-1247 |
Minnesota | File rate with state | Yes | $450 | Minn. Stat. 70A; 60K.32 |
Mississippi | Prior approval by state | Not applicable | $4.25 | Miss. Code Ann. § 83-2-3; Miss. Code Ann. § 83-15-3 |
Missouri | File & Use if not disapproved within 30 days | Yes | $3.50 | MO 381.171, 381.181, 381.201, 20 CSR 500-7.100; 381.052, 381.058, 381.115, 381.118, 375.014 |
Montana | File rate with state | Yes | $7.60 | 33-25-212; 33-17-201; |
Nebraska | Prior approval by state | No | $4.30 | Neb. Rev. Stat. 44-1997; Neb. Rev. Stat. 44-1982 and 44-19,109 |
Nevada | Prior approval by state | Yes | $9.72 | NRS 692A.120; NRS 692A.100 - NRS 692A.104 |
New Hampshire | File rate with state | No | $3.50 - $4.75 | RSA 412, RSA 416-A; RSA 402-J, RSA 416-A |
New Jersey | Prior approval by state | Yes | $5.25 | N.J.S.A. 17:46B-41 et. seq.; N.J.S.A. 17:22A-26 et. seq. |
New Mexico | State-set rates | Yes | $14.14 | 59A-30-6 NMSA 1978; 59A-30-3(C),(D),(E) NMSA 1978; 59A-30-3(G),(I) NMSA 1978; 13.14.2 NMAC |
New York | Prior approval by state | Not applicable | $7.70 - $14.50 | Article 23 Article 64 |
North Carolina | File rate with state | Yes | $2.95 - $4.00 | NCGS 58-40-15; NCGS 58-26-10 |
North Dakota | Prior approval for initial filing | Yes | $3.75 | North Dakota Century Code 26.1-25; 26.1-20 |
Ohio | Prior approval by state | Yes | $6.75 | Ohio Revised Code 3935.03; ORC 3905.02, 3953.01, 3953.21 |
Oklahoma | Rates not regulated | Yes | $5.30 | 36 O.S. §1435.8(A)(9); 36 O.S. §5001(A) |
Oregon | Prior approval by state | Yes | $7.67 | ORS 737.310, ORS 737.320, ORS 737.230; ORS 744.053, ORS 744.086 |
Pennsylvania | File rate with state | Yes | $3.52 - $9.00 | |
Rhode Island | File rate with state | No | $4.00 | R.I. Gen. Laws §27-9-7; §27-1, §27-2, §27-2.4 |
South Carolina | Prior approval by state | Yes | $4.30 | SDCL Title 58-25; SDCL Title 36-13 |
South Dakota | Prior approval by state | Yes | $7.06 | |
Tennessee | Prior approval by state, varies by county | Yes | $3.60 - $7.30 | Chapter 35 of Title 56 and TN Rule 0780-1-12; Chapter 6 of Title 56 |
Texas | State-set rates | Not applicable | $9.43 | Texas Insurance Code §2703; §2651, §2652 |
Utah | File rate with state | Yes | $10.88 | R592-3 and 4; 31A-23a-103 |
Vermont | File rate with state | Not applicable | $5.60 | |
Virginia | Rates not regulated | Yes | $5.40 | 38.2-4608; 38.2-1822, 1814.1 |
Washington | File rate with state | No | $9.71 | RCW 48.29.140; RCW 48.29.147; RCW 48.05.030; RCW 48.17.060 |
West Virginia | File rate with state | Yes | $4.40 | W. Va. Code 33-20-3(e); W. Va. Code 33-3-1 et seq.; W. Va. Code 33-12-1 et seq.; W. Va. Code 33-12B-1 et seq. |
Wisconsin | File rate with state | No | $10.15 | Wis. Stat. s. 625, & s. Ins 3.32, Wis. Adm. Code; Wis. Stat. 610.11; 628.03 |
Wyoming | Prior approval by state | Yes | $8.33 | W.S. 26-23-325; 26-23-316 |
State-By-State Title Insurance Fees & Laws
This list of title insurance rates is just awesome.