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Vermont Collection Laws

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Mark Cappel
UpdatedSep 12, 2024

What are my rights and liabilities regarding debt in Vermont?

I live in Vermont, and have been sued by one of my creditors on an old credit card. How can I fight this lawsuit? Will Vermont law protect my property and income if the creditor wins a judgment against me?

A collection agent or law firm that owns a collection account is a creditor. A creditor has several legal means of collecting a debt, if you are unable to pay the debt voluntarily. Before the creditor can start trying to force you to pay a debt, the creditor must go to court to receive a judgment. See the resource Served Summons and Complaint to learn more about this process.

If you do not have a persuasive defense, admit to owing the debt, or fail to respond to the lawsuit or appear in court, the presiding judge may decide to grant a judgment to the creditor. A judgment is a declaration by a court that the creditor has the legal right to demand a wage garnishment, a levy on the debtor's bank accounts, and a lien on the debtor's property. A creditor that is granted a judgment is called a "judgment-creditor." Which of these tools the creditor will use, if any, depends on the circumstances. We discuss each of these remedies below.

Wage Garnishment

The most common method used by judgment-creditors to enforce judgments is wage garnishment, in which a judgment creditor would contact the debtor's employer and require the employer to deduct a certain portion of the debtor's wages each pay period and send the money to the creditor. However, several states, including Texas, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and South Carolina, do not allow wage garnishment for the enforcement of most judgments. In several other states, such as New Hampshire, wage garnishment is not the "preferred" method of judgment enforcement because, although possible, it is a tedious and time consuming process for creditors.

In most states, creditors are allowed to garnish between 10% and 25% of your wages, with the percentage allowed determined by each state.

Vermont garnishment rules are found in Title 12, Chapter 121 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, sections 3166 to 3172. Vermont's garnishment exemptions for consumer credit loans protect either (a) 85% of your weekly after-tax earnings, or (b) $290.00 of your weekly after-tax earnings (40 times the current federal minimum hourly wage of $7.25), whichever is larger. For non-consumer loans, such as debts incurred in business transactions, the Vermont exemptions generally follow those offered under federal law, which allows up to 25% of a worker's wages to be garnished. See the Dept. of Labor's Employment Law Guide - Wage Garnishment and the Dept. of the Treasury's Answers About Garnishments. Municipal and state employees may be garnished under Vermont law.

Anyone who received benefits in the past two months from one of the various public assistance programs administered by the Vermont Department for Children and Families or the Vermont Department of Health Access (DVHA) is 100% exempt from wage garnishment for the collection of consumer debts.

Involuntary attachment of Social Security benefits or pensions for payment of consumer debt is not permitted under federal law, and is therefore forbidden in all states, including Vermont. These benefits generally retain their exempt status even after they are deposited into a bank account, so a creditor cannot levy a bank account if the debtor can demonstrate that the money in the account came from pension or Social Security payments. Segregate those funds from any other income by depositing the benefits into a separate bank account to ensure financial accounting if you are concerned with a garnishment on those payments. Vermont law exempts payments made to a person under many insurance policies. However, once those funds are deposited into a bank account, they do not retain any exemption from attachment by judgment creditors.

If you reside in another state, see the Wage Garnishment article to learn more.

Levy Bank Accounts

A levy is the legal means by which a creditor seizes property belonging to a debtor in order to satisfy a judgment. When most people refer to a levy, they are talking about a bank account levy, in which a creditor seizes funds held in your bank account to apply to the balance of its judgment. The procedure for levying bank accounts, as well as what amount, if any, a debtor can claim as exempt from the levy, is governed by state law. Many states exempt certain amounts and certain types of funds from bank levies, so a debtor should review his or her state's laws to find if a bank account can be levied. In some states a bank account levy is called attachment or account garnishment. The names may vary but the concept is the same.

In Vermont, administrative levy is allowed under for recovery of taxes and unpaid child support, meaning that for those types of debt, no judgment is required to levy a debtor’s bank account. Vermont law exempts $700 of a debtor’s money on deposit from attachment. Legal Services Law Line of Vermont and Vermont Legal Aid offer guidance to consumers needing to request to stop a bank levy.


A lien is an encumbrance -- a claim -- on a property. When a judgment is recorded, it creates an automatic lien on all property owned by the judgment debtor, meaning that the creditor has a possible claim against the property. Creditors can also record liens against specific assets, a process usually reserved for a home or land (real property). For example, if the debtor owns a home, a creditor with a judgment has the right to place a lien on the home, meaning that if the debtor sells or refinances the home, the debtor will be required to pay the judgment out of the proceeds of the sale or refinance. If the amount of the judgment is more than the amount of equity in your home, then the lien may prevent the debtor from selling or refinancing until the debtor can pay off the judgment.

Vermont laws governing liens are can be found in Title 9, Chapter 51 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated. Mechanics and contractors (and similar laborers and professionals) have the right to place a lien on property on which they have done work; these liens usually take precedence over liens for general debt obligations, as do tax liens and other liens for "priority" debts.

If you reside in another state, see the Liens & How to Resolve Them article to learn more.

Vermont Statutes of Limitations

Each state has its own statute of limitations. The statute of Limitations for Vermont is found in Title 9A, Article 3, Chapter 118 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated. The statute of limitations for open accounts (credit cards) is three years (Section 9A-3-118(g)), and written contracts have a statute of limitations of six years (Sections 9A-3-118(a) and 9A-3-118(b)).


Consult with a Vermont attorney experienced in civil litigation to get precise answers to your questions about liens, levies, and garnishment in Vermont.

I hope this information helps you Find. Learn & Save.



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Dealing with debt

Mortgages, credit cards, student loans, personal loans, and auto loans are common types of debts. According to the NY Federal Reserve total household debt as of Q1 2024 was $17.69 trillion. Housing debt totaled $12.82 trillion and non-housing debt was $4.88 trillion.

According to data gathered by from a sample of credit reports, about 26% of people in the US have some kind of debt in collections. The median debt in collections is $1,739. Student loans and auto loans are common types of debt. Of people holding student debt, approximately 10% had student loans in collections. The national Auto/Retail debt delinquency rate was 4%.

The amount of debt and debt in collections vary by state. For example, in Maryland, 24% have any kind of debt in collections and the median debt in collections is $1562. Medical debt is common and 10% have that in collections. The median medical debt in collections is $508.

To maintain an excellent credit score it is vital to make timely payments. However, there are many circumstances that lead to late payments or debt in collections. The good news is that there are a lot of ways to deal with debt including debt consolidation and debt relief solutions.



GGerrie, Apr, 2020

A friend loaned me $20,000.00 for home repairs with the express agreement that repayment would be made when I am able to repay the loan. I have started making payments of $500.00 per month until I am able to increase payments to pay in full. We were never a couple. Now he is bullying me to pay asap. He claims there is a statute of limitations on this loan. Do I have any rights?

DDaniel Cohen, Apr, 2020

Gerrie, I am not a lawyer, so the information I share with you is not to be considered legal advice. 

It was very nice of your friend to loan you the money, I am sure you agree. The loan terms are extremely vague ("pay when you can afford to pay"). Are you adhering to that? It sounds like it.

The statute of limitations doesn't apply to how long you have to pay back the loan. It applies to how long he has to sue you if you are not paying as agreed. 

It appears to me that he put himself in a bad position by offering you such loose repayment terms. The best solution I can think of is to be transparent about why you are paying $500 now and why you are confident that you can increase the payments down the road. Emphasize how grateful you are for the help you received. 

You could offer to restructure the loan to something that is more fair, though you would be ceding the advantage you now have. I am not telling you to do so, but saying that if you were to commit to something stricter than exists, it would show you were taking his interests as a priority.

JJohn, Jan, 2020

My wife has outstanding credit card Debt approximately 15k, card is in her name. Am I liable for her debt?

DDaniel Cohen, Jan, 2020

Legal questions are best left to lawyers who hear all the facts. I am not a lawyer, so please don't consider my answer legal advice.

A credtior who sues your wife would not sue you if you were not responsible for the debt. You would not be facing a judgment and your wages could not be garnished. Any property or bank account you share with your wife could be encumbered or potentially taken if she is hit with a judgment. 

JJason, Nov, 2019

I owe money to credit cards in debt. Can my back account be garnished in Vermont?

DDaniel Cohen, Nov, 2019

I will share some information with the understanding that it is not to be considered legal advice, which only a lawyer can give.

An unpaid credit card debt in Vermont could lead to a wage garnishment. A creditor would first need to sue you and obtain a judgment against you. The judgment could be enforced with a garnishment of up to 25% of your gross income less some mandatory deductions, such as state & federal taxes and social security. It can also lead to a bank levy where any amount over $1,100 in your account can be taken.

Have you been sued? What is the amount you owe? What is the last contact you had about the debt from the creditor or collection agency.

mmerry, Apr, 2012
HiJust curious what happens if my elderly parents pass away, leaving credit card debt. thank you
BBill, Apr, 2012
Please see the resource Deceased's American Express Debt for a discussion of this issue.