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Advice on Collecting on Delinquent Child Support

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Mark Cappel
UpdatedSep 18, 2024
Key Takeaways:
  • Review how delinquent child support payments can affect a credit report.
  • Examine the kinds of collection efforts that can result from delinquent child support.
  • Understand the steps you can take to collect on delinquent child support you are owed.
  • Start your FREE debt assessment

My ex has been reported to the credit bureaus due to non-payment of child support. How will this affect him?

My ex has been reported to the credit bureau due to non payment of child support. He has a home with no mortgage, tons of investments, several credit cards (always paid off), and at least 2 lines of credit always available. How is this going to affect him in any fashion?

Thank you for your question about delinquent child support payments you are entitled to receive but have not received and the implications of the delinquent payments appearing on your ex-spouse’s credit report.

Strong Negative Effects Possible When Delinquent Child Support Payments are Reported

The fact his delinquent child support payments have been reported to the consumer credit reporting agencies will likely have a negative impact on your ex-husband’s credit rating, which could make it more difficult for him to obtain credit in the future. In addition, his current creditors, such as the credit cards you mention in your question, may see him as a higher risk borrower due to the child support delinquency appearing on his credit reports.

Even if he makes his payments to his other creditors on time, any significant decrease in his credit score may cause them to lower his credit limits and increase his interest rates. The reduction in his credit score may also result in the closure of his open credit lines, depending on how much the delinquent support damages his overall credit rating.

To learn more about how delinquent accounts, including unpaid child support, can affect a consumer’s credit profile, visit the credit resources page.

Delinquent Child Support Can Lead to Garnishment, Levy, Suspension of Driver’s License

Having fallen behind on his child support payments, your ex-husband likely has much more to worry about than his credit score. Failure to make court-ordered child support payments has serious consequences, many of which your ex-husband may not have considered when he decided to stop paying his child support. In addition to being reported to the credit bureaus, unpaid child support can result in the suspension of the non-custodial parent’s driver’s license, the garnishment of his wages, levying of his bank accounts, seizure of property, and in severe cases, can even result in jail time.

Consult with your attorney as soon as possible to discuss the options available to assist you in enforcing your ex-husband’s child support obligations. It sounds like your ex-husband has significant assets, including investments and a home which is paid off. You may be able to collect against these assets, forcing your ex-husband to pay his delinquent child support by seizing his investment accounts or by forcing the sale of his home.

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Use All Resources Available to Collect Delinquent Child Support

Contact your state’s child support enforcement agency. Many states will assist custodial parents in collecting on delinquent child support debts, which can be especially helpful for parents who are struggling financially and can therefore not afford an attorney. State agencies can also take direct action such as suspending the drivers’ licenses of delinquent parents, which has proven to be an effective way to coerce obstinate individuals to pay up.

Find a state-by-state list of child support enforcement agencies by visiting the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Child Support Websites and General Contact Information page. This Web site can also help you find federal government resources that can assist you in enforcing an outstanding child support obligation.

Consult with your attorney as soon as possible to discuss the options available to help you collect on this debt.

I wish you the best of luck in collecting your ex-spouse’s delinquent child support payments. I hope this information helps you Find. Learn & Save.



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Debt statistics

If you are struggling with debt, you are not alone. According to the NY Federal Reserve total household debt as of Quarter Q1 2024 was $17.69 trillion. Student loan debt was $1.60 trillion and credit card debt was $1.12 trillion.

According to data gathered by from a sample of credit reports, about 26% of people in the US have some kind of debt in collections. The median debt in collections is $1,739. Student loans and auto loans are common types of debt. Of people holding student debt, approximately 8% had student loans in collections. The national Auto/Retail debt delinquency rate was 4%.

Each state has its rate of delinquency and share of debts in collections. For example, in Illinois credit card delinquency rate was 3%, and the median credit card debt was $397.

While many households can comfortably pay off their debt, it is clear that many people are struggling with debt. Make sure that you analyze your situation and find the best debt payoff solutions to match your situation.



CCassandra Dean, Dec, 2022
How long does it take to start receiving child support payments once the levy is approved
llana, Apr, 2012
My ex husband has several businesses:cafe, marble and tile installation , jewlry store, he also rents out his house. He is $16,500 behind in child support. I am originally from another country, have no family here. Right now me and my kids live in subsadizing housing and I can't hire the attorney. I have a case with colorado child support enforcement unit for many years. They can't make him pay child support. They suspended his driver's license twice(he drive his waitress's car), they filed the judgement, put lien on his property etc. They told that he keeps very little amount of money on his bank accounts, he doesn't pay taxes, he doesn't report any income. He lives in another town, 2hours from us, in very expensive area, near Aspen. I can't pay my bills. recently I got the disconnection notice from utility company. There is no attorney in our town who would help me for brono. tried everything, called main child support unit in Denver, but they told that they on a limited funds and overloaded. Please, give me advise that would work in my situation.
BBill, Apr, 2012
If you have already discussed your case with your state child support agency, I do not have a suggestion to give you immediate relief. Do not give up. Consult with a lawyer who has family law experience to see if you have a case in civil court. I realize paying for a lawyer is a daunting task in your situation. Call your county bar association and ask for the names of the organizations that provide no-cost legal services to people with low or no income in your area. Make an appointment with one of the organizations, and bring all of the documents and letters you have regarding your case to your meeting. The lawyer you meet will advise you accordingly.
DDaisy, Mar, 2012
My husband is 30yrs old and his father only paid a total of 2 child support payments the whole 18 yrs. We no longer live in the state that the child support was granted and he would like to know if he has to contact a laywer in the state we live in now or the state it was granted? He would like to get the money that is owed to him if at all possible.
BBill, Mar, 2012
Your spouse needs more assistance than someone like me can offer in an e-mail message or Web posting. Consult with a lawyer who has experience in litigating family law issues. He or she will advise you about how your state's laws apply to your spouse's situation.
qquestion, Feb, 2013
I don't think your husband would be owed the money. Your husbands mother would be owed. She is the one who paid his fathers share while the father was not. She would be reimbursed what he should have been paying and didn't.
EEmerald, Mar, 2012
My ex whom ive never married owes back child support, he just his first wage garnishment and is now trying to modify the payments my question is because my son is now 18 will he still have to pay the back child support and as long as he is working will they continue to garnish and levy his bank and wages till debt is paid? thank you for your help.
BBill, Mar, 2012
Child support questions are difficult to answer for two reasons. First, the state laws vary and are nuanced, and it is easy to misinform readers. Second, each set of circumstances are different, and the amount of child support you are entitled may be different from the person next door. Therefore, your best sources for accurate information are a lawyer in your state who practices family law, or the state child services department that administers the child support payment program. I realize my answer is not what you were seeking. However, I would rather give you a sincere non-answer than one that is incorrect.