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Debt Articles

Three-State Statute of Limitations

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Three-State Statute of Limitations Conflict | Review the SOL jurisdiction implications when a debtor moves from one state to another and the creditor is in a...

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Credit Card Consolidation and Your Credit Score

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Your credit score makes a difference when searching for a credit card debt consolidation program. Even if you don't have an excellent score you can...

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Can My Bank Account be Levied?

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Account Levy is allowed for judgments. Also, state and federal agencies have the right to levy accounts on their own authority. However, exemptions apply...

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BoA Increased Payments on MBNA account

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Advice if BoA Increased Payments on MBNA account | Credit card companies keep buying other credit card companies. Learn how to deal with the changes in...

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Kentucky Collection Laws

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Learn the statute of limitations for credit card and other debts in Kentucky, and the state's consumer unfriendly rules for account levy, liens and...

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Debt Collection

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

It's never fun to receive a phone call from a debt collector, especially one who's aggressive. Stay calm, follow these 7 steps, and you may be able to avoid...

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Dignity Health Payment Assistance

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Catholic Healthcare West hospitals and clinics offer charity and discount programs for people with no insurance. Talk to an admitting or patient registration...

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Ascension Health Patient Assistance

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Ascension Health's hospitals and care centers offer charity and discount programs for people with limited income. Be careful, because not all expenses...

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Ex Wife Refusing to Pay Debts

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

After a divorce my ex wife and I were ordered to pay accounts under the divorce decree. I was paying but my ex decided she was no longer liable. We are now sum

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Common Law Marriage and Debt

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Read about common law marriages and debt responsibility in this informative article on

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Citibank Mortgage

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Regarding your mortgage, review your loan documents carefully to see if Citi reserves a right to pursue private collections actions on your debt.

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How Can I Save Money?

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Asking yourself - How Can I Save Money? Can you save money and pay off debt at the same time with a low income?

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Avoid Paying Payday Loan?

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

You may be able to avoid paying a payday loan if it is illegal. 14 states outlaw payday loans, including online payday loans. Check with the State Attorney...

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Consolidate Debt and Divorce

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

How to consolidate debt from credit cards, medical providers, mortgages, auto loans, and taxes after divorce. You need a different strategy for each debt type.

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Collection Agency Charges

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Collection agency charges are illegal if you state outlaws the practice, or if the contract you signed with the original creditor doesn't say it can...

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Connecticut Collection Laws TeamSeptember 20, 2024

Learn the statutes of limitations for Connecticut, and the length of time a lien lasts when attached to personal or real property. Credit cards have a 3-year...

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Garnish Pension

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Most pensions, like other forms of retirement income, are exempt from garnishment or attachment to repay court judgments.

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Garnish Social Security Income

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Your retirement income is protected if your primary sources of income are Social Security and pension benefits.

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Court Summons for Debt

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Advice if you have received a Court Summons for Debt and need free help.

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Right of Offset

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Federal law restricts the right of offset, preventing federally chartered banks, like Wells Fargo or B of A, from using the right of offset in cases where...

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Two Judgments on Same Account

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

You cannot be sued twice for the same debt, read on to learn more about creditor judgments at

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How Long Will a Judgment Last

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

How Long Will a Judgment Last? | Get information on how long judgments last on your credit reports. Get credit smart at

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Collection Laws & Exemptions

Aly J. YaleSeptember 20, 2024

Collection laws and exemptions vary from state to state. Protect yourself and your assets by learning the homestead, vehicle, and bank account exemptions...

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Collection Agency Scams

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Collection agency scams are common, unfortunately. Learn four ways to detect a scam artist, and eight steps to take to handle a scam artist. Scammers will...

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How to Handle a Debt Collection Call from Convergent Outsourcing 2024 |

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Convergent Outsourcing is a major debt collector. If they appear on your credit report, or they called or contacted you, then take these steps to...

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Where To Find a Consolidation Loan

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Where to find a consolidation loan depends on your assets, goals, income, and credit score. You can find a consolidation loan from local and national banks...

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Tax Debt & Chapter 7

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Free tips on IRS and state tax debts and filing for bankruptcy. Some IRS tax debts are eligible for including in a bankruptcy. Learn more at

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Judgment Proof

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Your creditor may consider you judgment proof if your assets are off-limits from its collections. Learn how to tell if you are judgment proof, but beware...

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Consolidate Capital One Credit Debt

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Find the the Capital One debt consolidation program that saves you the most money. Be sure to pay attention to protecting yourself from aggressive...

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Mortgage After Bankruptcy

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

You can qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy as early as 12 months after the discharge. Learn the FHA and VA's rules for bankruptcy...

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ThinkCash in Kentucky

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

First Bank of Delaware, a relatively small bank based in Delaware, operates a payday loan business online under the ThinkCash brand name. It has no physical pre

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Renew a CD or Pay Down My Debt?

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Renew a CD or Pay Down My Debt? | If you are earning less interest on an investment than you are paying on a debt, liquidating to pay down the debt is a good...

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Payday Loan Laws TeamSeptember 20, 2024

Learn how your state protects consumers who have payday loans, and the loan and interest limits for each state. Beware, some payday loan laws are tricky...

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Subpoena While in Debt Resolution Program

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

If you are enrolled with the Freedom Debt Relief (FDR) debt negotiation program and are a FDR client, you need to contact the company's Legal Accounts Resolutio

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How to Consolidate Bad Credit Debt

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

How can you consolidate debt if you have bad credit? Is a bad credit personal loan a good idea? Learn the steps to take to consolidate your debt with...

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Credit Card Debt and SSI

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

If you are on SSI and have debt trouble, let help you out.

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Javitch Block: Dealing with Debt Collection 2024 |

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Javitch Block is a law firm specializing in debt collection and insurance loss recovery. If they call or contact you take these steps to protect...

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Debt Payoff Plan

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Debt Payoff Plan for people with high credit card debt.

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Indiana Garnishment Rules

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Creditors are allowed to garnish between 10% and 25% of your wages, with the percentage allowed being determined by each state.

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Co-Signed Car Loan With Deadbeat Daughter

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

I co-signed a loan for my daughter to buy a car. She is now refusing to make the payment. What can I do?

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Debt Snowball to Pay Off Debt: How Does it Work?

Aly J. YaleSeptember 20, 2024

Debt snowball is a technique to help you pay off your debt quicker. Instead of making minimum payments, you make fixed payments and use the extra amount to...

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Judgment Domestication

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

A judgment issued by a court in one state can only be applied in that particular state, and will have to be domesticated if the creditor wants to enforce it in

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Minnesota Family Law

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Minnesota is a common-law state when it comes to family law, unlike Wisconsin, California, Texas and the other community property states.

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Credit Card Debt and SSI Income TeamSeptember 20, 2024

Credit Card Debt and Disability Income | Disability income has certain protections from garnishments that normal income does not have. If you are sued...

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Credit Card Assignment and Credit Card Consolidation

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Credit Card Assignment | In most cases your credit card can be assigned to a third party. In addition, creditors can use collection agencies. Deal with...

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Reopening a Chapter 7

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

I filed Chapter 7 two years ago and kept my home, but now I can't afford it. Can I reopen my bankruptcy case and add a mortgage?

Read more Debt Relief Guide

September 20, 2024

Are you looking for ways to get out of debt? No matter the reason you are in debt, or your personal situation, Get Out of Debt Guide helps you....

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Debt Collector or Original Creditor

Daniel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

My account is with a collection agency, can I negotiate with my original creditor instead?

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Citibank Sears MasterCard Settlement

Betsalel CohenSeptember 20, 2024

Citibank Sears MasterCard Settlement | Look into your different debt relief options including a Credit Counseling and Debt Management Plan. Check out the...

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Missouri Payday Loan

Mark CappelSeptember 20, 2024

Can a payday loan company in Missouri file criminal charges if we default? No, unless you closed the checking account before it presented the check.

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